What is the PSU?

The Public Security Unit (PSU) was established as a pilot project through a collaboration between the City of Grande Prairie and Apex Security. In August 2022, the unit became fully staffed and began operations with the primary goal of maintaining a proactive presence in the community. The PSU focuses on addressing social disorder and public nuisances before they escalate, allowing law enforcement to concentrate on higher-priority incidents and ultimately enhancing public safety.

The PSU is the result of years of development at Apex Security Inc., which involved refining organizational processes, training security personnel, and supporting staff. The unit's success is further bolstered by the experience and expertise of Grande Prairie Enforcement Services, enabling it to function seamlessly within the city's broader law enforcement framework. While the Grande Prairie PSU contract concluded in May 2024, the team has since extended its support to smaller towns such as Slave Lake and Peace River, which continue to face challenges with crime, loitering, and trespassing on private property.

Membership in the PSU is both a privilege and a responsibility, offering unique challenges and opportunities. Members are expected to exercise sound judgment, adhere to professional standards of conduct and operate within the bounds of the law. Additionally, they must be adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of the communities they serve and the partner agencies with whom they collaborate. The PSU Team follows a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which serves two key purposes: to provide members with clear guidelines for daily operations and procedures and to outline the roles and responsibilities of each PSU guard as a valued member of the unit.

Apex Security Inc. is committed to supporting communities and ensuring that every individual feels safe. Our team will continue to offer our services to communities across Alberta that are grappling with crime and encampments, to expand our PSU department and contribute to safer communities across the province.

PSU Equipment

The PSU Officers are equipped in APEX uniforms, featuring protective stab vests, APEX-branded shirts, cargo pants with reflective stripes, and slash-proof gloves. Their duty gear includes a belt with handcuffs and a key, Naloxone, body cameras, and both APEX and city band radios for effective communication with City Peace Officers, MOP, and the RCMP.

In their marked "Public Security" vehicle, they carry a first aid kit, trauma kits, a sharps container, and a fire extinguisher, along with an APEX-mounted computer for data entry and reports. All APEX staff undergo comprehensive training that emphasizes situational awareness, de-escalation techniques, managing aggressive behaviors, and protective strategies such as defensive positioning and disengagement. After gaining experience, officers may apply to join the PSU unit at APEX, ensuring a skilled and prepared team for every duty.

Key Features
Conducts enhanced visibility patrols (foot, e-bike and mobile) in areas requiring immediate attention or that are challenging to get to in a vehicle, ensuring all areas are being patrolled.
• Manages incidents related to trespassing, loitering, social disorder, suspected drug use, public intoxication, encampments, and public safety concerns
• Appointed as Bylaw Officers, enforcing Provincial Acts and City/Town bylaws
• Acts as a private extension of the public sector, adapting duties to evolving demands
• Collaborates with City/Town, RCMP/Police services, and acts as a peacekeeping force during large city functions/gatherings

Impact and Benefits
• Contributes to a safer community and business environment
• Provides security and safety during social disorder calls for both staff and clients
• Frees up local law enforcement/first responders for critical issues
• Achieves proactive patrols and immediate responses for community safety
• Collaborative efforts with RCMP/Police, Peace Officers, and EMS
• Resolves 85% of occurrences without depleting other resources
• Ensures a constant and consistent presence to prevent disorder from flourishing
• Efficient and effective allocation of finite resources
• Assists law enforcement with warrant identification and apprehension Equipment and Training
• PSU officers equipped with protective gear, state-of-the-art communication tools, and body cameras
• Hold Alberta Basic Security Guard Certification
• Trained in de-escalation, managing aggressive behaviors, situational awareness, use of force, first aid, naloxone administration.
• Undergo continuous field training and development Add Watermark Apex Logo

Community Support
• Timely response to concerns related to the street-engaged population
• Ensures safety at community events
• Reduces resources needed for low-priority calls, bylaws, and general disorder
• Constant, continuous, and comprehensive interactive patrols
• Visual presence provides peace of mind for the public
• Supports "AGENT" businesses, addressing issues on their behalf
• 24-hour dispatch call center

The defining feature of a safe community is the ability of all of its citizens to participate fully and freely in all of its environments knowing they are safe. The Public Security Unit wants to help to ensure this is possible, by completing proactive patrols and responding to calls while assisting and complimenting the work currently being completed by Law Enforcement agencies within the community. This is a very cost-effective way to add support to current Law Enforcement.


At Apex Security, we take the time to understand the security challenges you face. As a Public Security Unit, we’ll assist you in developing an integrated plan that addresses your specific situation and needs. Contact us today for a free consultation.